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Guide To Cyclosporine

While the immune system normally protects the body from threats, such as viruses and bacteria, it can sometimes become unregulated. When left unchecked, this can lead to serious health consequences. This includes chronic inflammation or organ damage. Cyclosporine, an immunosuppressant, is often used to prevent or treat an unregulated immune system.

Patients will receive cyclosporine tablets before or after organ transplants. In some cases, a cyclosporine oral solution is used. It can be used as prescription eye drops for some eye conditions. This medication is also a treatment for arthritis and many other health issues. Of course, patients need to know about how cyclosporine pills work, as well as possible side effects and interactions first.

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How It Works

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Cyclosporine suppresses the immune system by reducing an enzyme known as calcineurin. This enzyme is a major part of the immune system because it plays an important role in creating T-cells. These are a type of white blood cell. T-cells respond to foreign cells within the body, which are recognized as threats, by causing damage to them. During organ transplants, T-cells may mistakenly attack and cause damage to an organ because it recognizes the organ's cells as a foreign threat. In addition to this, T-cells also play a role in inflammation because they can activate other types of white blood cells responsible for causing inflammation.

An overactive immune system, or one that does not function correctly, can result in autoimmune disorders and health conditions that involve chronic inflammation. As this medication reduces calcineurin, the enzyme that regulates T-cells, it can help prevent many of these health conditions. For this reason, this medication is also known as a calcineurin inhibitor. 

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