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Guide To Common Supplements For The Hair, Skin, And Nails

Many over-the-counter supplements contain ingredients that claim to improve hair, skin, and nail health. Patients may incorporate supplements to help their hair grow faster, improve acne, or reduce nail breakage. While studies indicate that some vitamins and minerals may be helpful for skin, hair, and nail health, patients should still ask their doctor before taking any oral supplements. High doses of some supplements may lead to side effects, including diarrhea or constipation. Patients should monitor their symptoms and report any potential concerns to their doctor. 

Individuals can look for specific skin supplements for skin problems, including acne. There are also nail supplements, which can help with those issues. Specific vitamin supplements can be helpful, such as collagen tablets, though individuals should consider the specific benefits before determining which one they need to purchase. Thus, individuals should learn about the best hair growth supplements, vitamins for acne, and vitamins for nail strength first.

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Research suggests that consuming zinc may help promote the health of hair follicles. The mineral can strengthen hair strands, decrease hair shedding, and increase hair volume. While it has not yet been confirmed in research studies, some patients may find that zinc supplements make their hair grow faster. This supplement may help in the treatment of fungal infections of the scalp. One example is dandruff. For hair health, patients should take no more than fifteen milligrams of zinc each day. They should only take zinc for a maximum of three months. Taking higher doses or supplementing for longer than three months could cause side effects. 

In terms of nail health, patients with zinc deficiencies often notice white spots on their fingernails. Zinc supplements can help correct this deficiency. Thus, they can eliminate the white spots. Some individuals find that taking zinc supplements helps prevent or reduce acne breakouts. They may also be useful for the treatment of skin ulcers and psoriasis. 

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