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Overview Of The Best Arthritis Medications

Arthritis is a condition that produces joint pain and swelling. It can limit a person's range of motion, and symptoms tend to worsen with age. There are quite a few different types of arthritis out there. However, the two most common are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. The former is linked to aging and occurs when cartilage wears down over time. The latter form is a chronic autoimmune condition. It is the result of an individual's immune system mistakenly attacking the lining of their joints.

Thankfully, there are many options for arthritis treatment. Many patients benefit from weight loss for arthritis. Other common natural remedies for arthritis include warm and cool compresses as well as exercise. Of course, many individuals will need to take medication for arthritis. Medications may provide arthritis pain relief and help them handle other symptoms. However, patients should review their options first so that they can choose the best arthritis medication for their needs.

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Naproxen, a strong nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication, is often used to treat arthritis. It helps reduce hormones that trigger inflammation and pain, thus lessening pain in the joints. Many patients take it as an over-the-counter pill or liquid gel tablet. However, there are stronger versions available with a prescription. Patients should discuss their use of this medication with their doctor first. Points of concern include the presence of heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, or a history of stomach ulcers. Patients need to discuss their medical history so that their doctor can ensure that naproxen is safe for their overall health. Individuals who take a daily dose of acetylsalicylic acid to prevent heart attacks or strokes should also check with a doctor before using naproxen. 

Common side effects include ringing in the ears, headaches, itching, bruising, and indigestion. Patients may also notice dizziness, stomach pain, or nausea. Since this medicine increases the risk of stomach bleeding, patients should avoid alcohol while using it. Naproxen interacts with many medications. One example is different antidepressants. Taking these medicines together could cause patients to bruise or bleed more easily. Naproxen also interacts with diuretics, warfarin, heart and blood pressure medicines, oral diabetes medicines, and some anticonvulsants. 

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